Friday, April 30, 2010

Popeye's paradise

I love my new raised bed that Kevin and I put in last fall. I planted it too late in October to harvest anything, but the spinach that came up stayed all winter to burst on the scene for an early harvest this spring. I have been so enjoying going out every day to pick scrumptuous leaves for my sandwiches and salads.

I had to replant the kale, collards, swiss chard, and lettuce. I also planted radishes and snow peas and cilantro... all the cool weather crops in a cool place in the yard. Everything is coming up and promises more yummy harvests throughout the season.

Mmmmm spinach!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tubbs Hill photography club field trip

The newly formed North Idaho Digital SLR Club had its first field trip today on Tubbs Hill. It is a beautiful part of our community, right on the lake for everyone to enjoy. It was windy today, and warm when the sun poked through the clouds... cold when it hid behind.

For those of you who have wondered where I have been since December, I am happy to report that I have been too busy to blog.... but maybe I will have to get back to finding a way to fit it in!