After our Wednesday adventure in St. Augustine, we decided to make the "endless" drive down the coast to Daytona Beach in search of the largest Harley dealership in the states (obviously not for us girls, but we were not given a choice).
The fun part of the trip was the stop on the beach... it was a rainy, blustery afternoon, and the ocean was rough and fun. We stopped right by Marineland, where there were no homes, but there were lots of signs that cautioned anyone attempting to get into the water.
Then we moved on, Beth and I giving the guys loads of crap about being on this "long" journey. We finally made it to Daytona about 3 days later, and then had to search for the Harley place... we thought we found it (after, god forbid, the guys asked directions) but it was a sad second to the size (matters to guys) was not what they were hoping for.
I hope you are still following me here...
Anyway, we did finally find the giant Harley store, miles from Daytona as it turns out. Fortunately, there was a bar there were us girls got out to have a drink and we found they had free wi-fi. That is where I posted the Wednesday blog from.
Okay... so Scott, Kevin, and Allen weren't in the Harley place very long. I think it was a big disappointment. So they show up at the bar where we were to have a beer with us. Scott can't find his wallet...
Let's speed up here a bit. Scott lost his wallet. Beth had to get online to cancel his debit card. He is totally bummed. We decide to go back to look for it. We backtrack, and come to the place where he had stopped to get directions to the giant Harley place.
We pull up to this seedy gas station, and Scott gets out and immediately starts rummaging through their garbage bin. There was this grungy homeless guy on a bike just exiting the store with a beer can in a paper sack. He says to Scott "Nothing good, huh?" (as if he had already tried). Scott just grunts and goes inside. Meanwhile we watch Mr. Grunge go back to the garbage bin and take a quick look again. Then he comes to Kevin's driver's side window and says, "What a bummer! Probably one of those homeless sons-of-bitches!"
He proceeds to tell us of his hard luck story where 2 weeks ago his "yacht's" were stolen in the Keys. Beth and I are crackin' up in the back.
Scott comes out of the store victorious with his wallet in his hand! We all cheer! What a stroke of luck. Everything is in it but the cash. Whew...
So, Mr. Grunge comes around to give Scott a congratulatory hug?... no, he tried, but Scott got in the car... thank goodness. But the window was open, and his last words to us were "Ya know, I've been homeless for a couple of weeks, got any spare change?"
That homeless s.o.b. waved as we drove away... I am pretty sure that Scott's cash is what funded his little beer run in the store.
(disclaimer: I do not feel like homeless people are sons of bitches... just using his words.)