Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Meet O'Rylee!

My husband has been staring at me lately in utter disbelief. "Who is this woman?" I can hear going through his head.

I had pretty much given up on the idea that I was a dog person. Jack (our border collie) and I have a less-than-ideal relationship, and I thought I just didn't like dogs. But my daughter brought home her little Australian Shepherd, about 1/2 the size of Jack, and I have fallen in love.

All of a sudden I love having a dog in my lap. I play with him, and let Kevin discipline him... it is a total switch of roles for Kevin and I. I am getting a kick out of it, and Kevin is befuddled that the rules have changed. So is Jack. Rylee is really good for him, in spite of the fact that Jack is a little grumpy and growls to Rylee on occasion to back off. But Jack is up moving around more than he has in a long time, and gets the run of the house again.

The cats are getting used to this energetic little tornado, but still have maintained their distance and hiss as he gets too close. Juggernaut hid under our bed for the first few days Rylee was here. But now he freely roams the house and has figured out that he is the boss and simply swats Rylee when he gets too close.

I know all of you that know me as the "resident bitch" when it comes to Jack are probably just shaking your heads in confusion. It is a real surprise to me, too. I have waited to make this announcement just in case the newness wears off...

So we enter a new year with one more family member... sigh.

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