Friday, May 30, 2008

Birthdays and tattoos

I am so happy to report that my camera is back and in good working order, and just in time for my daughter's 18th birthday. We went to downtown Spokane and had dinner at her favorite restaurant, Ye Old Spaghetti Factory. It was fun, the crew sang happy birthday to her as she sat there utterly embarrassed. We helped sing, which added to her discomfort, and all-in-all it was a good birthday dinner. I cannot believe she is 18, and she is my youngest. All my kids are growing up... a mixed blessing.

Maegan's birthday present to herself was a small tattoo on her back. She is very excited. My mother called today hoping to talk her out of it, but too late... it only took 6 minutes for a lifetime design. I must say, it is a cute little tattoo, and it is little so really no big deal, except to her... she thinks it is a big deal. She has inherited my ability to get excited about the most minute things.

But the greatest blessing of the day is my camera! It turns out it had a screw loose, which of course caused me to have a screw loose, which I have no doubt caused a few other random loose screws among people who know and love (or atleast put up with) me. So, of course, I have been out just clicking away at everything that will hold still, and some things that won't. I am not planning on posting it all here to make up for lost time, but suffice it to say, you will be seeing a lot in the next few days, weeks, maybe longer. I told Kevin tonight, "man it feels good to have this in my hands again!"

Monday, May 26, 2008


I am back without photos. Someone complained yesterday that I had not been posting, indicating that I am pouting without my camera. Well, I am. I was supposed to have it back by this past Friday, but they called and said Canon had shipped the wrong part, so now it will be some time next week.

I seriously am avoiding looking at things. It is the wierdest feeling, but when I look and see something worthy of a photograph, I just get frustrated. And right now, there is so much to shoot.

North Idaho is flooding, and there is water everywhere. The river is running so high, it is making new little rivers. The lake has peaked and overflowed. All our perspectives have changed because everything on the lake and the river is higher. And I can't shoot any of it!!!!!

On Friday, I went to visit my friend who lives on the river, which is now about three rivers. Just in the time I was there the river that is running through their volleyball court was about 6 inches underneath the net. By the time I left, it was touching the net. 

And the river is just roaring loud! We took a walk by the newly formed river path. With everything so wet, it is amazingly green. All the plant life has perked up, eager to be growing and showing off. Just about where the new river met the old river, Steve was telling me that he had often wondered what could have formed this basin-like place we were looking at that was now filled with raging water. It is obvious this river has chosen this path before.

And Kevin and I wandered downtown on Saturday to check out the lake. With all the warnings about staying away from the water (they are fining anyone who goes in it $1000) it was amazing to see how many people were out walking the beach, sitting on tables that were surrounded by water, and generally gawking at this unusual phenomenon. Of course, we were too.

Cedar's, a floating restaurant located at the end of the lake and the beginning of the river, is closed because the ramp to get to the restaurant is covered with water. The building is so high... right at the top of the pilings. Generally in the summer, you can see at least 10 feet of pilings showing, if not more. I heard on the news they were afraid the restaurant would float right off the pilings and head on down the river. I don't think that could happen, but it creates a great vision.

And to add to all this, it has been raining nearly everyday. You just have to love a good Idaho spring. (I can say this now that I am fairly sure we will not get anymore snow... knock on my head).

Monday, May 19, 2008

For Melanie

A peaceful setting just for you. We love you.

Friday, May 16, 2008

No Spring this year...

We have jumped from yucky weather straight to summer. Today is supposed to be in the 90s. I am not complaining because I am happy to dig out my shorts and wear as little as I can get away with, but it would have been nice to transition to this heat a little more. Sigh... 

Okay, enough of that. I am totally thrown without my camera. Here is another shot from Mother's Day of the Green Bluff in Washington. Not reminiscent at all of what today looks like, but it is all I have, and I like this photo a lot.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Camera trouble

I am totally jonesin' to take photos. My camera is not working, and it looks like I must take it to the shop... so no photos today, and probably no more posts to this blog until I get it fixed, since showing off what I take is what this blog is all about. God knows the writing isn't.

I am posting today another shot from the Green Bluff area in Spokane. A lonesome balsam arrowroot, which is blooming everywhere right now. This one has made its presence known beside this boulder just around the corner from the Mountain Dome Winery... who, by the way, makes some of the greatest champagne in the traditional French tradition. At some point I will write more about that.

And I am having a great time with my son in Boise. Those of you reading this will just have to imagine what that looks like in your heads.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Boise bound

Today is an extension of mother's day for me. I am in Boise spending a couple of days with Byron. It is such a pleasure to be here hanging out with him.

Boise is a cool little city. There is so much going on, so many places to eat, a great park to walk through in the center of town, the university campus buzzing with students eager to finish their exams and take a break from the daily grind, and of course lots of shopping opportunities. I plan to take advantage of it all. As yet, I haven't gotten any photos, but I just got here and have many places to go, so stay tuned... tomorrow's blog may just be a photo essay.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bleakness on the bluff

Today Kevin and I went for a ride up in the Greenbluff area in North Spokane. The clouds were fairly ominous, but it wasn't too cold. There was a fairly warm breeze that created an odd mood for the day. A strange feeling: not bad... just different.

Today I feel extremely blessed to have three really great kids. I have a good relationship with each of them, and I have had a truly nice mother's day. I loved them when they were small, and even when they were ridiculous teenagers. But I really enjoy them now that they are grown and people in their own right. I remember when I turned 18 and my dad took me out to dinner just the two of us. He told me he had waited my whole life for just that moment when he and I could talk like adults. I think now I understand what he meant.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Winetasting in Spokane

Mother's day weekend in Spokane is big with the local wineries. This is the weekend they do their annual spring barrel tasting. I can't think of a better way to honor mothers than to indulge them in some serious wine appreciation.

One thing I have learned about wine tasting is that you really should only hit 3-4 wineries in a day. More than that and the wine all starts to taste the same Then you end up buying bottles of wine that may have seemed quite good at the time, but on further inspection (on a sober day) weren't worth the nice price tag attached to them.

I have finally learned to ask myself the question: "Is this wine any better than what I can buy at the grocery store for $9.95?" That usually cinches the deal. If it is not a stellar wine, I can usually talk myself out of it.

Today was especially fun because Kent and Bec's daughter Katy is visiting and joined us on our little adventure. She is just learning wines, and it was fun to see what she was liking and not liking.

And I am happy because Kevin is building us a wine cellar in the basement. Since and empty wine cellar would mean nothing without a nice collection of wine to put in it, I love the fact that he is spending the money on wine instead of me for a change.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Storm clouds on the horizon

The Rathdrum Prairie should be called Big Sky Prairie... you can see exactly what kind of weather is heading our way, or north, south, wherever. I am pleased that we did not get snow last night, but temperatures dropped to about 22°. Fortunately, our backyard is in a little micro-climate, and the more tender plants I have outside were not affected by those temperatures. Thank you weather gods. I am glad I didn't plant any others yet... maybe next weekend.

Maegan headed out with the NIC group, Outdoor Pursuits, for a surfing adventure on the Oregon Coast. They left at midnight, and will be renting wetsuits and trying to hang ten without freezing. She is such an adventurer wanna-be. I am guessing that as soon as she gets cold, she will put herself in charge of tending the campfire. I hope she is warm enough tonight. She is sleeping in a tent. She will be home Sunday night, and I will be glad to see her.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Cherry blossoms

Tuesday, the cherry trees were tight little buds with great promise. Yesterday they burst out in full bloom. A brilliant, instantaneous change that has just ignited our backyard. These early May days are sunny but still fairly cool for this time of year. I don't think the plants in the yard mind too much, though. Everything seems to have perked up so much in the last few weeks. I just want to spend my time outdoors... and after being cooped up for so long, being outside seems like dessert after the heavy winter meal we had dished up for us.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Whaddya mean girls can't barbeque?

Life is funny. Today was a wierd day for me, so late this afternoon I headed to the grocery store for a beer. While there, I ran into Amy, who had a marvelous day and was headed home to celebrate with a couple of steaks... but she was all by herself. So I ended up taking my beer up to her house and celebrating her amazing day while she listened to me whine about mine.

After a couple of beers, you can do anything. And, I am happy to report, that I feel a lot better than I did earlier, and Amy still feels great about her day. One thing I really like about being a woman is our ability to share, relate, and celebrate who we are. And tonight, we discovered that we can barbeque steak pretty well, and we make a mean bonfire. All is well with the world.

Spring, Birds, and Cats

Today I buried a small bird out back by the flowers. Last night, our cat decided to bring this poor bird in the house to have a little snack. By the time we realized what he was doing, the poor bird was too far gone to try to revive, so I wrapped him up in newspaper and laid him outside under a tree to die. Both Maegan and I felt really bad. I know death is part of life, but it doesn't make it any less sad.

I have saved you all by resisting the temptation to photograph it's little body and post it here, so I decided to feature the blossoms it was beneath as it died.

The cat, however, does not seem to show any remorse.

So, along with the spring I have been anxiously waiting for came the birds who sing to me all day long. I would like to post a warning for them "beware of the cat" in my garden where they hang out. "He may be lurking in the grass."

Monday, May 5, 2008


I have decided not to wear warm clothes anymore. I have put away my emu fur-lined boots and my long-sleeved shirts, and pulled out my flip-flops and colorful, bright, short- or no-sleeved shirts and shorts. It is time for the weather gods to understand that we need to start planting, weeding, watering, and enjoying the outside. And this is my way of manipulating the weather.

Yesterday was a good start for this actually. The day was sunny and beautiful and Kevin and I got a lot done in the yard. We picked up all the dog poop, mowed the yard, weeded the flower beds, and I was just short of planting beautiful flowers, but I chickened out and decided to give it one more week. As much as I am trying to convince the powers that be that it is spring, I am not going to waste money on delicate flowers to have them succumb to another frost.

But some flowers are doing marvelously well. Today is a tribute to the dandelion. It really is a pretty flower, and its leaves are quite yummy when steamed, but it just isn't desirable in the lawn to most people, including me. But I do love the first ones of spring. They are bright and tenacious. I wish all my plants were as hardy as they are.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Kitty in the grass

I love the way cats think (or seem to think). Here is Juggernaut hiding from the dog in the grass. I swear he doesn't think anyone can see him. About 3 seconds after this photo was taken, he shot off across the yard with the dog, Jack, in close pursuit.

Jack is another story. When he was a puppy, he was smaller than the cats, who quickly became his friends and playmates. I have always thought that Jack actually believes he is a cat. And now that he has grown to be 
quite large, he just doesn't understand why the cats get to jump up on our laps to be petted, and he doesn't. He is almost 14 years old, can't hear or see too well, and doesn't ever seem to want to do too much. But he will go outside if we are outside, and the puppy comes out, and he is determined to kiss the kitties!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

My friend, the tree

When I was little, we lived in a cul de sac, and there was a huge old oak tree in the front yard. He had a large trunk with three large branches rising out, leaving this little hollow in the middle. Sometimes I would sit in that hollow, and imagine he was my friend. I called him Mr. Oak.

In later years, when I was reading Tolkien for the first time, my favorite characters were the Ents, tree-like creatures who protected the forests. I think still that they must be real, because I remember my friend who I felt protected me.

Now I have this gorgeous Maple tree in my front yard. Over the years as the kids were growing up, they would climb her, and hang from her branches... even the neighbor kids across the street. There is a protective quality about her, too. And I always thought she seemed happy at the attention they gave her. Last year, my friend, Lynne, gave me one of those tree faces. I added it to her (our human need to make everything look like us, I guess), and she stares at me through the window. When Jill and I are sitting on the front porch, we feel as if our friend is visiting with us, too.

Anyway, I guess today is my tribute to the trees, especially my tree, Mr. Oak.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Could it be real?

Today is sunny and in the high 60s. It sure feels like it could finally be spring. We are all holding our breath.

And TGIF! I got up this morning thinking it was Thursday again. What a nice surprise to find out it was, in fact, Friday. There may be a bike ride in store for us this afternoon. Perfect biking weather... not too hot, but not cold enough to freeze your fingers in the breeze.

My friends and I love to bike all summer long. Two years ago, Gail and I went everywhere, biking from Post Falls into Coeur d'Alene where we would have breakfast downtown before returning home. Then we'd start at the falls in Post Falls and bike along the trail into Washington. We took our bikes on several excursions, one along the Trail of the Coeur d'alenes up by Rose Lake. That was gorgeous.

This last year, we added Amy to our little bike trips, and would go into Spokane to the Liberty Lake Farmers Market on Saturday mornings. Once we drove to the Farmers Market before they opened, biked into the valley past Mirabeau Park and back, then shopped before driving home.

This year, we are planning more exciting bike trips. But definitely every Saturday morning for the Farmers Market. This year I will have to get some photographs of the colorful fresh fruits and vegetables in the market. On a sunny day, there is no place better to be (unless you are in like, Bali or somewhere... maybe Ireland). The big ride this year, though, will be through the train tunnels on the Hiawatha trail up near Wallace. It is supposed to be an incredible trip through tunnels and over trellises of railways past. (

When I ride a bike, I feel just like a kid on a swing set with the breeze blowing through my hair. I just love to ride fast, and feel free.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The buds are bursting

The last couple of days, the grass in our yard has taken on a vibrant kelly green. It looks delicious, and everytime I look out the window I just want to go roll around in it. It is inspiring me to dig out our croquet set and map out a course. I think we have to mow first though. Isn't it funny how once spring decides to finally arrive, it just busts out!

I just heard from my friend, Beth, down in Florida. She says it is warm and pretty down there.

I am just happy to report that the sun is out and we had no snow today.