Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Whaddya mean girls can't barbeque?

Life is funny. Today was a wierd day for me, so late this afternoon I headed to the grocery store for a beer. While there, I ran into Amy, who had a marvelous day and was headed home to celebrate with a couple of steaks... but she was all by herself. So I ended up taking my beer up to her house and celebrating her amazing day while she listened to me whine about mine.

After a couple of beers, you can do anything. And, I am happy to report, that I feel a lot better than I did earlier, and Amy still feels great about her day. One thing I really like about being a woman is our ability to share, relate, and celebrate who we are. And tonight, we discovered that we can barbeque steak pretty well, and we make a mean bonfire. All is well with the world.


Anonymous said...
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Brancy said...

HEY, DELETE THAT OTHER COMMENT FROM AKINOGAL, it's spam. You never want to click on something you don't recognize. So I would just delete it.

Hey, that sure looks like fun! And what a great backyard, she looks like she lives in the woods!