Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Well what do you know... we made it through spring

The Ironman winner finishes the race. I was so preoccupied with watching for Mike, I only saw this guy running a couple of times. But he was excited to win. The purse for the first place man was $12,000. I am sorry, but that just isn't enough.

I consider Ironman the actual beginning of summer. It was a good start to what we all hope will make up for the stupid spring. But in all fairness, the spring has done wonders for the colors in our yards. My little veggies I have planted are struggling however. But that will change as the ground finally warms up.  We might have tomatoes by frost.

While we waited for appearances of Mike on the Ironman trail, I set about to be a professional photographer and chronicle as much of the day as I could. My favorite shots were the bikers coming down Lakeside on their way to complete their first loop up in Hayden. They looked fresh, were pumped up from completing the swim, and the perspective from the street was exciting.

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