Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Meet O'Rylee!

My husband has been staring at me lately in utter disbelief. "Who is this woman?" I can hear going through his head.

I had pretty much given up on the idea that I was a dog person. Jack (our border collie) and I have a less-than-ideal relationship, and I thought I just didn't like dogs. But my daughter brought home her little Australian Shepherd, about 1/2 the size of Jack, and I have fallen in love.

All of a sudden I love having a dog in my lap. I play with him, and let Kevin discipline him... it is a total switch of roles for Kevin and I. I am getting a kick out of it, and Kevin is befuddled that the rules have changed. So is Jack. Rylee is really good for him, in spite of the fact that Jack is a little grumpy and growls to Rylee on occasion to back off. But Jack is up moving around more than he has in a long time, and gets the run of the house again.

The cats are getting used to this energetic little tornado, but still have maintained their distance and hiss as he gets too close. Juggernaut hid under our bed for the first few days Rylee was here. But now he freely roams the house and has figured out that he is the boss and simply swats Rylee when he gets too close.

I know all of you that know me as the "resident bitch" when it comes to Jack are probably just shaking your heads in confusion. It is a real surprise to me, too. I have waited to make this announcement just in case the newness wears off...

So we enter a new year with one more family member... sigh.

Monday, December 29, 2008

As opposed to green...

Idaho is all white. It is as if a large, thick blanket has covered us up. I am watching these big, fat snowflakes falling outside my window re-covering the weeping willow that had been washed clean by the rain yesterday.

Yes, we had rain all day yesterday. Maegan and I went out to scrape the driveway clean of the heavy, wet snow and ice so that when it froze again last night, we wouldn't have an instant ice rink.

With all the talk about going south for the winter, the snow this year reminds me how much I love it. Except when it gets wet and messy then freezes solid. But when it stays cold, it is truly a white winter wonderland.

I have no doubt I will be sick of it soon enough and start my whining about heading south to Florida again. But today, I am just enjoying its silent and unpretentious beauty.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Fifty years young...

My good friend was born fifty years ago today. She doesn't look much over thirty to me... but then neither do I. 
We met up today while shopping and had a cup of coffee together. It was all I could do not to stand up in Starbucks and make the general announcement that we were celebrating her today. 1. I didn't want to embarrass her, and 2. I wasn't sure that the folks in the Target Starbucks would be as excited as I was... so I managed to refrain (which I know is going to surprise a few people reading this).

Tonight, we are going out to dinner at her favorite restaurant (which just happens to be one of my favorites, too)... Chef in the Forest, out on Hauser Lake. One of these days I will post why it is my fav, but today this is all about Lynne.

Last week we had a surprise birthday party for her. I think she really enjoyed herself and all the attention from her millions of girlfriends. To know Lynne is to love her... Anyway, I sent out a questionaire to everyone, and here are some highlights:

"The funniest thing I ever saw Lynne do was watching her eat crab with the crab butter dripping down her chin."

"The dumbest thing I ever saw Lynne do was when she does the Lizard!"

"My favorite thing about Lynne is that she is always smiling and laughing."

"My most memorable time with Lynne was when we were sipping champagne in the castle in Ireland on Halloween."

If you are reading this and have a glass of something handy, raise your glass to fun-loving, charming, loyal, generous, happy-go-lucky, good-friend Lynne. I love you.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow removal Idaho-style

We have gotten many suggestions to go out and buy a snowblower... I just wanted you all to see what snow removal looks like here in serious snow country!

Kevin just uses any excuse to go out and plow. Once he got his bobcat uncovered (he had left it on the job site), he has been plowing any little mound of snow he can find. I think he is in snow heaven!

We set a lot of records here yesterday. Our snow dump totaled 30 inches... up to 54 inches out-of-town. I think our friends Kent and Becki are relieved to not be living in Spirit Lake right now.

But today the sun is out, and it is gorgeous outside. Maegan's second attempt to get home should prove successful. I am on my way to the airport now.

I hope you all are warm and snuggled in...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A winter wonderland?

It started snowing yesterday morning and has not stopped since. We had a light dusting of snow left over from last week... now we have about 30 inches. It is crazy!

I have been out shoveling 4 times today, and the snow is still coming down.

Maegan is supposed to fly in tonight, but flights are getting cancelled all over the place... she just wants to come home, and I just want her here safe. I am keeping my fingers crossed.