Saturday, January 3, 2009

The big story today... COLD!

That was the beginning of the newscaster's weather report this morning. Duh! It is -4°, and even colder in Coeur d'Alene. Fortunately, the wind isn't blowing. Atleast it isn't snowing!

Here is the view of all that snow weighing down the branches of the maple tree in the front yard. 

Our poor weeping willow was really covered yesterday, but lost some of the snow before it was frozen onto its branches.

And look at all that snow on the ground with little pathways that are almost like mazes for Rylee who can't see over them as he runs around back there. Yesterday, he and Jack played and chased each other in their limited little space. They both ended up with their faces so snowy, they looked like they were getting ready for a shave. The cats seem content to stay indoors for the most part.

Spokane reported at least 28 roofs have caved in. I keep asking Kevin if ours is safe... he says it is so far... I look through those sky lights every morning that you cannot see through and just hope the snow doesn't come crashing through on top of me... brrrrr. Now that would be a rude awakening!

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