Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The blonde big-bag lady

Up until my sister started her own business importing gorgeous handmade bags from Vietnam, I was the type who had a single bag until it absolutely wore out, never matched what I wore, and probably told a lot about how un-stylish I was.

Since my sister set me straight on stylish and beautiful bags, I have quite a collection. And I change bags regularly, quite a bit more than I used to.

Sam gave me this really nice bag for my birthday this year. I love it... it is big... basically a bottomless pit. I took it with me to Boise, and since I was only there for a day, used it to carry my bare essentials so on my flight home, I wouldn't have to check a bag.

Since my trip to Boise, I lost my ipod. I thought I either left it in Maegan's car since we needed tunage on the long and never-ending drive down south. Or some horrible little person stole it out of my car that I try to remember to lock in the driveway, but often forget. I have called Maegan and Byron begging them to look again in her car because I just can't stand the thought of someone taking my stuff, especially since it was a Christmas present from Kevin.

Yesterday, I decided to change bags. I emptied my new bag to transfer stuff (amazing how much stuff there is, too). Lo and behold, the ipod has been in the bottom of my purse this whole time. Now that is a big bag!


Anonymous said...

HAAA! I don't care how big or small, purses are just "Black Holes" when it comes to finding stuff in them...

Anonymous said...

That was funny and I am happy to know I am not a club of one! :D