Saturday, December 26, 2009

Its beginnning to look a lot like Christmas!

I love Christmas. Not for the presents, but for the joy that the presents bring.

Conor is wearing the Australian hat from Nick and Jude, Chris' parents. The hangy-down things are to keep the flies away... a must for those in Australia. Not quite essential wear here in wintery Idaho... but it looks cool!

Kevin is definitely prepared for a hot, sultry day.

I love ripping the paper. Isn't that the point?

Miss Shelley laughing at the merriment of the moment.

And a little relaxation after all the fun. It is great to have a full house at the holidays. That was my best Christmas present!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Second day of Winter

And all my children were snug in their own beds last night, and will be again for the next week. LIFE IS GOOD!