Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Spring Tease

Well, we are definitely back in Idaho where between sun and a trace of warmth we are having snow storms. We had a 20 minute whiteout at lunchtime... then it just looked like we had a brief rain shower... the ground just slightly wet. This place is so wierd.

But the daffodils and tulips are up, and fiercely fighting for their moment of glory. I admire their conviction, even as the sun just flits in and out.

My friend, Nancy, gave me a little gift yesterday—a pewter bear with a Heart and Idaho on its tummy. I guess I have been giving the impression that I don't like it here. I do. I love living in North Idaho. And I normally love spring here. I would love to hear from anyone who isn't challenged and sick of the spring we are having this year.

Just give me a sunny afternoon where I can go to my neighbor's house and have a drink with her on her front porch. It is our annual tradition, and we are jonesin' for a sunny afternoon, warm enough to sit on a cold, concrete step and enjoy this gorgeous place we live!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Home again, naturally

It is always nice to crawl into your own bed, even after the most amazing adventure/vacation. Anyone who hasn't been to the Napa Valley in California should plan a trip there at some point. It is really lovely. I recommend those of us from Idaho going in the spring for two reasons: 1. The weather is warm and generally not too hot, and 2. the weather here in Idaho isn't.

Our adventures included some amazing wine tasting, some of which I don't remember too well. We had a couple of not-so-into champagne drinkers at our first stop on our wine tasting tour on Sunday. They were very polite, and had a sip, and then poured the rest of their champagne in my glass to finish, knowing that I would never condone pouring it out. So I got 3 glasses for every 1 poured. There were some really nice champagnes, and had that been our one and only stop for the day, all would have been well. But, alas, we hit 5 more wineries that day, and I am ever the trooper.

Needless to say, I am on the verge of entering rehab, and carefully planning my diet this week to try to purge my body of delicious poisons.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Up, Up, and Away

What a gorgeous view we had of the whole Napa Valley from up high. Unfortunately, I grabbed the wrong lens... I took the ultra zoom lens instead of my wide angle. But I am not entirely unhappy with the shots I was able to get.

The Napa Valley is really beautiful. From a 2,000 foot perspective, I was able to get a much better feel for the whole valley. My favorite part was how quietly we floated overhead (other than the occasional blast of hot air to keep afloat). I expected to be nervous, but other than being a little tense at our landing, I was quite comfortable.

The most fun we had was crash landing in a small vineyard. I was so ready to go up and do it again.

Check out my deviant site tomorrow and see some of the other shots I got from up high... in fact, I will be posting as many good shots as I have from the Napa Valley.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wine, Wine, Wine

I have been whining so long about our lack of spring that is seems appropriate to be in "wine" country now. You can't go ten feet down the road without seeing another tempting little winery and tasting room. I really am in heaven.

We are off this morning on a great adventure: hot ballooning over the vineyards. Stay tuned to more photos from a great perspective!

Meanwhile, I leave you today with this shot of Paoletti Winery's caves.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Spring in Napa Valley

I think that Idahoan weather gods could take some advice from the California weather gods where spring is concerned. They seem to have hit it right here. I am not saying we should be more like California, because I do love Idaho, but I doubt anyone would argue that a little more spring would be a pleasure.

The Napa Valley is gorgeous, without a doubt. Miles and miles of vineyards, millions (it seems) of wineries, and cute little towns that just cater to the likes of us... seeking sun, wine, and fun.

And for those of you wondering, we got Bec good! This photo is a bit blurry, but shows her first reaction upon seeing us. We were holding four signs that said, in order, "CLUE •  LESS •  IN CAL • IFORNIA". We were also wearing masks, so it took awhile for her to figure out it was us.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Almost anywhere but Idaho

Sometimes those of us that have lived in Idaho a long time have figured out that the best way to combat the Idaho Spring Blues is to get the hell out of town. I am right now sitting in a sunny spot in Sacramento, California where warmth is almost guaranteed at this time of year. My husband and I are waiting to meet friends and do a little wine tasting in the Napa Valley. What a great diversion that will be from the weather up north that can't make up its mind whether it is snowing, sunny, raining, or just plain gray. 

There is the saying, "if you can't beat it, join it." Well today, my saying is, "if you can't beat it, dump it and move on."

Meanwhile, a message to the weather gods: we get home Monday night. Please deliver spring to Idaho while we are gone.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hump Day

After a wierd but brief snowstorm this morning, the sun is out and the forecast is favorable. I am looking forward to a nice weekend already. Pretty soon Kevin will have his outdoor bbq finished and we can be happily sitting outside on our patio where we love to spend our entire summer pretty much. 

There are a lot of new plants I put in our landscape last fall. It will be fun to see what they look like when they finally have the opportunity to grow.These bamboo I planted last spring, and they are supposed to get to 8 feet, but last year they were only about 12 inches max. They never lost their green leaves though, and they were one of the few pretty things poking through the snow (when they could).

The grass is getting greener, and filling in where the snow caused it to die back. Everything in the yard is covered with little buds getting ready to pop. I love the way the weeping willow looks with a light green aura to its hanging branches. That poor tree is so gnarled and mis-shaped from not enough water in the summer for several years. But when those leaves are fully on, it disguises itself, like a woman with wildly long hair.

It has been a long wait through this eternal winter, but I think the sun is finally on the horizon.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

At last, a gorgeous sunny day

It really lifts my heart when the sun pours its warmth over the world. Especially when we have been without, and are desperately needy. I imagine the outdoor buds are feeling the same way. Those that have been touched by the sun this morning are already standing at attention, soaking it all up. My daffodils haven't felt the sun's rays yet and are laying over with remnants of yesterdays snow on them, looking as if they are wondering if they ever get to bloom gloriously.
Today I feel there is hope that Idaho will, in fact, have a spring. But I am not holding my breath. For anyone who has lived in this area well knows, the weather could (and does) change in a blink.

Monday, April 21, 2008

True Idaho blossoms

I woke up this morning to the most lovely white blossoms on my shrubs out in the backyard. It is too bad they will melt later today, but I hear they will return sometime tonight, but heavier. Actually, as I look out the window right now, I am seeing the new buds falling from the heavens as we speak. The problem with these buds is that they land everywhere, not just on the plants waiting for blossoms.

Alas, and sigh... spring in Idaho.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Indoor blooms

Well, something needs to be blooming, and my shamrocks are going crazy in the window. It is cold outside, but I am sitting here by the fireplace and feeling toasty warm, just like I did all winter.
Meanwhile, after a fun evening of Bunco last night, my friends got a little crazy. Do you recognize these poses? My friends, the superstars!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Uncolorful Spring

Today is amazingly cold... mid-thirties with a bitter breeze. My garden, that normally at this time of year would look vibrant in greens and bloom colors, looks drab and unhappy. Everyone I talk to is trying desperately to cope with this wierd weather we are having. We are all trying to believe that it will change soon. We are questioning whether or not we will even have a summer this year.

On the other hand, Jack got a grooming the other day and looks shiny and marvelous. He is loving the attention he is getting because he is clean and far more pleasant to touch. Border collies have so much hair. He has to feel better with half as much now. Doesn't he look ready for spring!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Where is spring in Idaho

I think the definition of an Idaho spring is winter extended for a few more months. That is certainly true of 2008's spring. With the exception of a sporadic day or two, it is flippin' cold out here. Even my beautiful spring buds are looking dim as they try to decide whether it is worth the fight against the cold and snow.

It isn't snowing right now, but it is forecast for this weekend. And what is today again? Oh yeah, we are in the second half of April. There is a heavy cloud cover which is causing a heavy cloud cover in my heart.

I will try photos tomorrow. Today you would just see a big, gray blank space.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I wandered lonely as a cloud

that floats on high o'er vales and hills
when all at once I saw a crowd
a host of golden daffodils
beside the lake, beneath the trees
fluttering and dancing in the breeze...

and then my heart with pleasure fills
and dances with the daffodils.

Thank you William Wordsworth

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fortunately, the snow doesn't last long

It is still cold, but even with the white-out yesterday morning, we are snow-free again. It is supposed to warm up a bit this week, and then be cold and snowy this weekend. Snow in mid-April here is not unheard of, but it is very unusual.
But I am thinking happy thoughts, and keep looking at these spring bud photos I am collecting. The pussy willows have popped. I am not sure I would call them beautiful, but they sure add something to the landscape.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Return to sender

Spring in Idaho is so confusing. Sunday was a balmy, wonderful 77°. Yesterday was pretty much what you would expect an April to be with heavy showers (mixed with snow at one point) most of the day, but the sun peeking out in the late afternoon.
But this morning I am looking out at a blizzard. And the weatherman says it is supposed to snow all day! I have no doubt it will melt, but that is not the point. We are supposed to be working towards planting our gardens, not shoveling our driveways.
It is at times like these that I seriously consider moving...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Fresh spring rain

After a lovely 77° day yesterday ending in a celebration of my mother-in-law's 75th birthday, we are having a refreshing spring rain today. I can feel it sparking some as yet unmoved sprouts to push toward the surface and peek out at the world. Unfortunately, the weather man is predicting it will rain all week. I hope those little sprouts don't get waterlogged.
Meanwhile, things are really starting to burst out in bloom and it smells so good.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Ahhh, finally... a sunny day

We Idahoans have waited so long for this cool but very spring day. Everyone I see has a shit-eaten grin on their face.

Hope for a nice weekend

The weather man says this weekend is supposed to feel more like the spring we all have been waiting for. That makes it hard to stay inside and work. Sometime this weekend, my friend Amy and I are going to plant some cool weather crops: collards, kale, lettuce, etc. Since I don't have a garden space yet (coming hopefully this summer sometime when we finally get rid of the boat), Amy has been kind enough to share her space a little to accommodate my gardening urges.
Meanwhile, I will tend to the flowering plants I have scattered around my yard. Spring holds so much anticipation... all these potential flowers ready to pop. And when you have had a winter like ours, the level of appreciation soars.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Too much fun

I love taking close-up shots: people, plant life, animals, food, whatever. I find closeups so interesting... getting right to the heart of the subject.

Here's another photo I took today. I like the texture of the grass.

First time

Spring in Idaho is always a challenge. Keeping one's sanity with the rain, sleet, snow, and grey days is tough, but balanced to some extent by the newness of fresh blossoms everywhere.

My new passion is photography, and here is the first of my spring shots.

So pay attention if you want. I am just sharing my joy at what seems to be the end of a long, snowy winter.