Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rainy Portland

If you choose to live in the Pacific Northwest, you probably should get used to rain.

Portland is a beautiful city. I have been coming here on occasion since my friend Cheryl moved here a couple of years ago. We discovered Portland together. It is a very eclectic, dynamic city with a great public transportation system, and tons of galleries, art museums, and cause-driven organizations to keep anyone who has an ounce of civic-mindedness busy.

We discovered the Mercy Corps Action Center today in downtown Portland. I encourage you to visit this website and peer into what we all can be doing to make a difference in our world.

Cheryl flew me to visit her for my birthday present. We have been having a grand time eating, drinking wine, and walking everywhere.

I found this quote on the PSU campus, a walkway dedicated to women. I think it speaks volumes about me (thank you Mae West)!

If you can't read it: "When caught between two evils, I generally like to take the one I never tried."

Monday, October 19, 2009


The bees were busy all summer, and Kevin reaped the rewards on Saturday. Unfortunately, I was not here when he chose to harvest, so we have no photos of the process. Sorry guys, you will just have to wait until next year.

The process is pretty simple. First of all he wore his new bee suit! Then he fires up the smoker that will "tame" the bees who aren't ever very excited about having their honey taken. He pulls off the top level of the hive, and removes each of the 6-8 slats that the bees built the tiny wax containers for their nectar. He puts them in our centrifugal machine (kind of like a salad spinner) but large enough to accommodate all the slats, and spins the honey out.

We now have a ton of golden bee nectar.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lost in a Masquerade

I was Grace Kelly, and Kevin, my Prince Rainier. We didn't win any prizes, and I had to keep telling folks who I was, but we had fun, I felt beautiful, and my dress didn't fall down. All-in-all a good night's fundraiser at the Resort.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

This and that

Today is our 11th anniversary. Kevin is sick and sleeping. I am trying to keep myself occupied on this fairly dreary day. So I have gone out and harvested as many ripe tomatoes, peppers, acorn squash, and butternut squash that I could find. I did find one strawberry... I popped it in my mouth within an instant of finding it, and I am sure it was the best, sweetest strawberry I have ever had!

I booked Maegan's flights home today, too. She decided not to do a whole year, but one semester as all of the other australearn students are doing. She is set to arrive home on December 2. I cannot wait!

Conor will be home, too. He is bringing his friend, Chris, with him to snowboard in powder, apparently something they don't have down under. They will both be here for Christmas.

Byron's flights are booked for a whole week around the holidays.

So what was looking at one time like a bleak and joyless Christmas is now turning into a full-family festive affair... just the kind I love! I am excited, almost to the point of getting out our Christmas ornaments, but am resisting because I am sure Kevin would have a cow. So I am off to look for Halloween decorations. That will probably be my post tomorrow.

The sun is just coming out for awhile... gotta go enjoy it while it is still there.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Let sleeping dogs lie

It is a good day to lie around and relax. The fall rain has come, and summer seems to have officially passed.

As much as I am sad to see the warm summer go, I love to bundle up, snuggle in, and watch the weather happen outside while I am cozy inside. Apparently Christian and Rylee enjoy that, too.