Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bees in the Trees

He says "come out and zoom in on these bees and get their photo." So I brought out my zoom lens to the humming tree full of bees with fat legs loaded with pollen and tried to get some photos. Tougher than it sounds... they are quick little buggers. I finally caught one little guy obsessed with a single blossom, and I rapidly clicked away.

These poses represent about 2 seconds worth of shots. Even though he was in one bud, he moved in and around pretty quickly.

The tree is absolutely gorgeous, and the bees must love the fact that they live just underneath it. They probably feel like I do every day that I see the gorgeous place that we live... but that is another story to tell another day.

Happy Sunday.


Sara said...

Do the bees fly all over your yard or do they pretty much stick around their hive? I'd be afraid of getting stung all the time...

Nancy said...

I have the opposite problem, when I am at the Garden Shows or just shooting flowers randomly, I always catch a few bees in the photos.