Monday, January 19, 2009

Circle of friends

Ancient native legend says that at the end of the evening, friends would gather around a bonfire and share their hearts. They would speak of the good qualities of each other and remember times shared. As the embers faded, their friendship was said to be sealed anew, bringing them closer together. (Mexican legend)

The candle holder above is a gift from some very good friends of ours. It represents our friendship and our bond. 

Today — the day before an historic innauguration, and on MLK day, a day that symbolizes tolerance, acceptance and respect for each other — I have such hope for our country. I am so moved by the hugeness of this past election, and how each of us, in our own small way, can make such a difference.

Today I encourage all my friends and family to join me in a commitment to speak well of each other, remember our times shared, and seal our bond anew.


Anonymous said...

Love you, my friend!!

alicat said...
