Sunday, July 19, 2009

Idaho anniversary

I thought it was worthy to note that today (even though I am in Portland) is the 30th anniversary of my arrival in North Idaho. It is hard to believe that I could have done anything that might have lasted or taken this long. 

Before I was twenty, I was looking for a place to be. I think I was looking for a safe place with friendly people who enjoyed smiling and were just happy to be alive... simply. I started out in Colorado because I thought that was where to find people were who were searching for a simpler way of living, back to the land, etc. etc. I did not find it there.

I arrived in Coeur d'Alene a month shy of my 20th birthday with $20 in my pocket. I promptly spent that on a magnum bottle of Blue Nun at the little wine and beer shop where the Coeur d'Alene North condominiums now stand. I only mention that because Blue Nun, or Liebfraumilch, is the last thing I would probably drink now being the Chardonnay snob I have turned out to be. 

I stayed because I discovered that this town holds the kind-hearted, happy folks I had been looking for. I know Coeur d'Alene has gone through its transformations since I moved here, but I still feel that same welcoming presence from the people of this town I call home.

There are a lot of places in the world I would like to visit... some I have, many more I intend to. But out of all the places I have or would visit, I honestly believe the place I call home is one of the most beautiful places in the world. And as I told my husband on Valentine's day this year... not perfect, but perfect for me!

1 comment:

Nan said...

Happy 30th Anniversary, I am glad you decided to make this place your home and in doing so, added one more of those friendly, caring people that makes this place so wonderful to live in! :D