Monday, October 13, 2008

Last day in florida

The last day is always sad... we are all leaving today. Ann and Allen are driving to Miami to catch their flight tonight, and Scott and Beth are taking Kevin and I to Orlando tonight and we catch our flight at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning.

I am not sure of the weather in Ireland, but I see that our lows in Idaho are in the high-twenties, with highs in the mid-fifties. BRRRR... I cannot even imagine what that will feel like after the 3 weeks here with hot and humid days and nights.

It seems like forever ago that I got here, and yet in a moment, the whole trip is done and time to go home and get back to work. On the other hand, I can't wait to sleep in our own bed and see Conor, Bec, Jack, Christian, and Jugs, not to mention all our friends that I have missed.

We have loads to share with anyone who wants to hear/see all we have done. Just let us know...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know I'll be waiting for our wine and pictures and stories date as soon as you're home and settled!