Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween all you ghouls and goblins

Whooohoooohooohooow.... Whooohooohooohooow...
(Just in case you don't recognize that, it is supposed to be the creepy laugh of Dr. Evil from Austin Powers)

Dang, I do look a little scary don't I? I scared Kevin this morning... I am actually kind of scaring myself. I really thought I would scare Jack, the dog, but I think he is too blind. The cats just kind of looked at me and kept walking. 

Not bad for first thing in the morning, or maybe that's why I look so scary...

Whenever I think of Halloween, I remember trick or treating in my old neighborhood as a young teenager and one of the boys broke an egg on my head and ruined my new leather coat. (FYI: Jimmy Lillard)

My favorite story of Halloween is when I was even younger and went trick or treating in that same neighborhood with my brothers and sister. On our way home, we decided to trick or treat our own home and surprise mom and dad. We knocked on the door, and slowly the door began to open with nobody there. We watched and waited, and when the door was open, we saw the ghostly creature approaching us from the foyer. As we were entirely rapt by this, my dad jumps out from the sliding doors off to the side, also wrapped in a sheet, and scared the beejeezus out of us. It was a rare moment that my parents actually worked together (although I am not sure there was a great deal of planning). I have always wondered if they knew it was us, or they just scared all the kids in the neighborhood that night. Some of our old friends might still be in therapy for this...


Anonymous said...

Hey, nice horns! You'd scare me, too!

Anonymous said...

If you think she's scarey in that get up, you should see her in her Mask!! ;->

Anonymous said...

Great start to a fun day! Happy Halloween to you too!