Thursday, August 21, 2008

Boise bound

I don't have any photos for this posting because it is hard to take photos and drive. And I drove for 7 1/2 hours today. Not my favorite thing to do at all. But Maegan and I managed to fit all her stuff in her little mazda and, just short of killing ourselves, arrived safely in Boise. It was truly the longest drive ever, and my brain is not functioning properly yet, but a good night's sleep will cure that. 

We are staying at Byron's house tonight, and we can check Maegs into the dorm tomorrow morning around 9. We just found out that her roommate won't be around until tomorrow afternoon, so Maegs gets the pick of everything in her room. She is stoked about that.

Once she is checked in, and maybe after a couple of quick photos, I plan on making myself scarce. Byron and I plan on hanging out together all day, and then I catch a plane home tomorrow night. Thank god I don't have to drive myself back! I think I would have to check myself into a dorm room before I could bring myself to get back into that car.

Maegan plans on selling the car down here. I encouraged that whole idea so I could fly home.

More tomorrow on the college bound young lady...

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