Monday, August 25, 2008

Sour Cream Lemon Pie

Mmmm, my favorite!

Birthdays for me have never been the shy, reserved type. I am an "over-the-top-shout-out-to-the-world" type birthday girl.

But today has been a little unusual for me. I usually celebrate all month, but this year it has just been today. Perhaps because my youngest just entered college... and maybe because my middle child is still trying to discover who he is, or whatever... really, I think it is because I am 49, and I am reserving myself until the big blowout I am expecting to make next year!

Meanwhile, an extraordinary thing has happened. All day long, I have had phone calls, or stop-overs, from friends and family wishing me a happy day (starting at 6 this morning from Beth who forgot the time difference from Florida to Idaho... which is okay, I needed to get up anyway). What a great thing to have so many people call and wish happiness! I can't think of a better gift than that.

So Happy Birthday, Me... for having the good sense for having such a cool family and such great friends. I truly am a lucky girl.

1 comment:

Canyonwren said...

Happy Birthday tooooooooo you!