Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's looking like a garden…

It is really handy being married to a man who knows how to build stuff. We were able to put this gorgeous fence around my garden today to protect it from wild animals (like Jack). The gate is leaning a little, but we will fix that later.

I picked up a few herbs at the farmer's market yesterday and planted them in their bed. As happy as I am to see little seeds sprouting, there is nothing like having an instant plant in the garden. I put in parsely, sage, rosemary, and tarragon (plus purple basil and one other one, I can't remember off the top of my head).

Meanwhile, we have food growing. The gourds have sprouted. I don't really expect anything from them since they got such a late start, but you just never know. I planted a sprouted sweet potato that Maegan never ate, and it is really growing, plus kale, collards, cilantro, and lettuce... all up. The cool crops should do well into a light frost.

I feel like I have accomplished a lot since that old boat left (remember the boat? I know, easy to forget). Just wait until we can actually eat some of this food!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are to be commended for your tenacity, it's hard for me to even think about gardening when they have already closed down the outside garden departments and are focusing on "Back to School". But all I have is a I wasn't that much into it in the first place! I imagine you can grow veggies and herbs until November and enjoys the fruits thereof!