Sunday, September 21, 2008

Last day of summer...

It's raining. Typical for Idaho to welcome fall. But we really need the rain, so I am happy to see it. Besides, I leave for Florida Tuesday morning where I can extend my summer for 3 more weeks.

I had a reason for going to Florida for 3 weeks, but now I am a bit in a panic being gone for so long. Fortunately, I can work while I am there, but dang... who PLANS to work on vacation? Just stupid Ali... sigh...

On the other hand, we are planning on having a really good time... we are staying with Beth and Scott for a little while, meeting our friends from Ireland—Anne and Allen, staying in my brother's house in Naples, and going to Cape Canaveral to watch a shuttle launch. Work will just have to come second.

July 2009 will mark 30 years that I have lived in Idaho (hard to believe I have even been alive that long). The weather has absolutely changed here over the years. I see a definite warming trend over all when I compare summers in the past to summers now. But one thing that seems to remain true is what I call the "fall curtain" that descends on us at the end of summer with rain and gray skies. 

I love the fall, gray curtain and all. I love the crisp, cool evenings. I love pulling my sweaters and sweatshirts out of hibernation. I love the smell of the rain, the colors of the trees and shrubs in my yard, and the general feeling that our part of the world is preparing to take a long, deep sleep. I just wish we didn't sleep in quite so long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys have an AMAZING time in my adopted state! Big hugs to Beth and Scott, and take lots of pictures - I'll look forward to hearing your stories when you get home. I'll miss you! xoxo