Saturday, September 20, 2008

A mother's favorite words...

I miss you! I love you mom. 

Yesterday morning at 10:05 am, I greeted Maegan at the airport for a weekend visit home. She called me 2 weeks ago and said she missed me, her bed, and needed a break from the crowded dorm. So I booked her a flight home (very cheap from Boise to Spokane... cheaper than driving).

We went out to lunch together, she went to the football game last night at her old high school with one of her friends, she hung out with her brother, Conor, and she came and sat on my lap and snuggled up with me (not quite what it used to be when she was smaller, but I still appreciate it long legs and all).

Today she has requested all homemade meals. I am off to make her favorite breakfast.

I feel peaceful when the kids are home. If Byron were here, it would be complete. I have holidays to look forward to for that very reason... when all the kids are home, I just feel better.

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