Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pure Joy

I figured something out yesterday. Not a huge epiphany, but a revelation non-the-less. There are people out there who do not have joy in their life. 

Wouldn't that be miserable? I know there are times to be serious, and times to be sad, and being happy is something most people are striving for. But taking the time to experience real joy... the love of life... just enjoying smiling... for no other reason than to beam wildly, that is what I am talking about.

I know, Bec, you are probably yawning through this one. You'll just have to suffer through because you love me.

Kids seem to experience joy in spades. Maybe that's why no one wants to grow up... maybe that is the secret to Peter Pan. No wonder I don't want to ever grow up.

Meanwhile, I got some shots of Holden yesterday enJOYing the Cob House that Art on the Edge built last summer during summer camp. This year the kids in the camp are working hard building a water feature at the Harding Family Center. I'll post photos of that at the end of the week, as well as photos of them all in the parade in their beehive.


Anonymous said...

HEY!! I resemble that remark!! Actually, I did NOT yawn through your post. I totally agree!! Love ya too tho...

alicat said...

Yay! A yawnless post as I waxed poetic (or something). Hee Hee Hee :)

Barwalt said...

Loved that post! What a perfectly wonderful message and assemblage (An archaic word, but I like the sound of it) of photos. Great job Ali! Pretty soon you won't be putting other peoples books together, you will be "assemblaging" your own book "The World as Ali Sees It" and I will be the first to buy it!

alicat said...

Nancy... you always say the nicest things. I appreciate your encouragement so much. Thank you.