Thursday, June 26, 2008

Nighttime photography

My big challenge lately with my photography is learning to take night time shots. I had been trying to adjust my camera's setting but I wasn't sure what I was doing, and the lights I was practicing on were like glowing orbs, and intead of a relatively black eveing, it looked like daylight. I want to show what my eyes are actually seeing.

So, this week Nancy and I set out to learn just how to accomplish these tougher shots. Nancy, of course, did the research, and then together we experimented on our cameras with the settings. I have finally been successful with atleast getting the photo to look like what I am seeing with my eye. My next goal is to make the photo and what I am seeing a little more interesting. But one step at a time.

So the top photo shows the problems I was having with the glowing lights and the too bright daytime look. The bottom photo is actually what I saw with my eyes. It creates a cool, somewhat eerie, but soft effect.

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